Every time I see Jennifer Lawrence in a movie, in an interview, or at some award show, I just have to stop and watch. How can you not like a gal who talks about food, has a heathy body, wants more appreciation by women for other women (instead of narky comments) and stumbles up the stairs to receive an Oscar, gets a standing ovation and waves it off with the words ‘Oh, you guys are just standing because you feel bad for me…’ She’s honest, knows what she wants and is just adorable in an adorkable way. She knows she’s not perfect, she doesn’t try to be and just lives her life the way she wants it. Makes me feel not so bad about tripping over nothing while going for a run, or ripping my pants while trying to get my phone charger that had fallen behind a washing machine. It’s okay, everybody can have that kind of stuff happening to them, even Jennifer Lawrence trips over her Dior gown while getting her Oscar, no biggie!
Anyway, just enjoy a couple of cool GIFs of Jennifer in interviews over here. Shut the interviewer up? Nailed it! Or how about this 2013 overview of Jennifer Lawrence awesomeness?