After I posted on how Verily Magazine does not alter the looks of the models used in the magazine, I see more and more un-photoshopped photos in magazines and adverts and more real women, of whatever size and body type. A great development, after all the too thin, too perfect women in photos. Of course, a little filter to let your skin glow a bit more is fine, but too many times have arms been chopped off (yeah, that looks comfortable without a left arm…), waists been deducted to size ‘minus zero’ (if that’s even a possible size?), legs and necks lengthened (giraffe anyone?), skin colors lightened, little flabby fatties removed from waists and armpits (yeah, you get a flab there…), stomachs perfectly flattened, cellulite made invisible (we know it’s there… we’re just not allowed to see it…), hips removed or added (depending on the body type that needs to be perfected), tattoos removed (because we cannot stand out in any way).
The lastest in the non-retouched photos is the lingerie brand Aerie. They state:
Dear Aerie girls,
We think it’s time for a change. We think it’s time to GET REAL and THINK REAL. We want every girl to feel good about who they are and what they look like, inside and out. This means: no more retouching our girls and no more supermodels. Why? Because there is no reason to retouch beauty. We think THE REAL YOU IS SEXY.
xoxo Aerie
We should stop living in a photoshopped, perfectionized world. This world is real, we are real, and we are beautiful! Here’s an idea: write the following text on your mirror at home where you do your make-up or check your clothes: ‘The person in this mirror is not retouched. The real you is beautiful and sexy!’
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