Trees also give good advice…
Amy Poehler, better known as an actress and sketch comedienne, has some wise advice for life:
“No one looks stupid when they’re having fun!”
“Only hang around people that are positive and make you feel good. Anybody who doesn’t make you feel good, kick them to the curb. The minute anybody makes you feel weird and non-included or non supported, you know, either beat it, or tell them to beat it.”
“Opening your heart and being courageous, and telling people that you care about them, or like them, or that you think they’re special, only makes you a better, bigger, kinder, softer, more loving person and it only attracts more love in your life.”
“People who are negative tend to want to demean other people’s ideas, they say what they don’t like, but don’t really say what they wanna do. It’s very hard to have ideas. It’s very hard to put yourself out there. It’s very hard to be vulnerable, but those people that do are the dreamers, the thinkers and the creators. They are the magic people in the world. So try to strive to be one of those and let those negative people and those negative thoughts stay where they are, which is away from you and in a seperate place that you don’t need to open.”
“It reminds me of how silence and quiet is really important in our lives. And sometimes we need that to center ourselves and feel better. And if you need to feel that way, or be that way during the day,. that´s totally your right, and you should be able to do that.”
“Rooting for other people’s failure does get in the way of your success. And, you want to try to avoid being a person who’s never full. You know, who’s never filled up, who can’t be satisfied. The way to do that, I think, is to rejoice in other people’s victories.”
“The only way you’ll find out if you are good at something, is if you do it. The only way to find out if you should be with someone, is to go for it.”
“Apologies can be simple. They don’t have to be grandiose. And, it’s never too late to apologize. It doesn’t mean someone will accept it. But apologies are often more for you than they are for the other person. If you can open up your heart and send love to someone else, whether or not they receive it, is not the point. Because as you grow older you’ll realize people who can’t apologize and admit that they’re wrong are suffering and you’re going to feel sorry for these people, not angry at them. So just practice little by little.”
“Be yourself. No one else can be you.”
“You pretty much already know what you need to know, you have it. That thing you know about yourself, the real core of who you are is there. You just have to kind of keep listening to it and your life will unfold the way it’s supposed to, if you listen to yourself first. You are all that you need and you have everything you need already.”
“If you can speak about what you care about, to a person you disagree with, without denigrating them or insulting them, then you may actually… be heard.”
“You never stop making new friends. In fact, the older you get, the quality of your friends gets better and better. Because you kow who you are and you know what kind of people you want in your life. So the good news is that making friends is a lifelong journey. So just take it easy on yourself, take it day by day and be yourself. And I bet you’ll attract really wonderful people into your life.”
“The goal is not to be perfect or to be right, because we’re never either one of those things all the time.”
“Sleep can be really magical… because sometimes balance is only a day away.”
“You have to remember that goodbyes are temporary because no one ever really leaves and nothing lasts forever. If you can, remember those two things, that people are always with us, because they’re in our heart and in our memory. And the only thing we can depend on is change. If you carry these two very opposite ideas in your heart and your head, then you can treat yourself to allowing chapters to end.”
“Great people do things before they’re ready. They do things before they know they can do it.”
For more from Amy, check out her Smart Girls YouTube channel.
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