As promised after part 1, here is part 2 of 2014’s Diary of a Tourguide!
Diary of a Tourguide, June 3rd part deux, because so much happened that day:
Dear Diary, yesterday we had a friendly family of 5 on the tour and the youngest, a 3-year old girl, is crazy about princesses, like any other 3-year old girl. So she asked if Neuschwanstein was really Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Well sweetie, her castle is based on this one (true story). She also wondered if there was a princess in this castle. Ehm no, today she’s not in the castle… So by the end of the day, their parents let the kids pick out a souvenir that reminds them of this castle. The boys (5 and 7) picked out a miniature and a magnet of the castle. And the little girl, with a pick of pictures, fluffy swans, and other castle gimmicks? She choose…. a pirate flag! I guess a new phase has started for her… haha!
Diary of a Tourguide, June 13th:
Dear Diary, you know I like pina colada’s, but getting caught in the rain not so much… Today I didn’t get a pina colada (okay, I did get a bottle of red wine from a colleague), but we did get caught in the rain….. I was absolutely soaked, I could’ve just as well jumped in the lake fully clothed! Especially my shoes will take a loooooooong time to dry, they each have a full mass (as in: huge beer glass) of water in them right now! Haha!
Diary of a Tourguide, June 21st:
Dear Diary, today I discovered how quickly karma can work. I gave a lady on the tour a 10 cent coin to use for the bathroom, and within 10 minutes I found a 20 cent coin on the ground, yay! 😉
Diary of a Tourguide, July 15th:
Dear Diary, today there was a 60 year-old woman on the tour who went up to Mary’s Bridge, a great viewpoint to see the castle. As she came back, she said slowly in her beautiful aristocratic accent (and a mix of South African and British): You should know that, being born in South Africa in a poor family and having the wrong skin color at the wrong time, I could never ever …. *she choked up a little* … dream about seeing this castle. Never in a million years could I even dare to think that I would be able to visit this castle that I have read about. I’m so very grateful right now… *Okay, I choked up too and gave her a big hug*
Diary of a Tourguide, August 14th:
Dear Diary, since it was my Birthday today and I had to work, I actually had 45 tourists on the bus singing Happy Birthday to me. And a colleague baked me delicious almond-butter-bars. And other colleagues phoned me and sang Happy Birthday together to me. And yesterday I had a great day with Mr Magic, and dinner with awesome friends. And tonight I had a fun skype-chat with my family. And I got a cute, beautiful card via the post, made and written by my 5 year old niece…. Soooooo happy today!
Diary of a Tourguide, September 1st:
Dear Diary, today I noticed I really worked my behind off this summer. As I biked up the hill of Tegelberg, I felt that my pants had dropped below my bum… Okay, okay, it were my rainpants (yes, we had another lovely rainy day here…) and I wore my jeans under it, but still….
Diary of a Tourguide, September 13th:
Dear Diary, today we got followed the whole day by a camera crew from a German tv station. And I can’t believe how lucky we were with the weather. I thought it was going to be a rainy day, which would be a pity for the tv show, but around 12.30 the sun came out and didn’t leave. Oh, and the tv show will mainly show interviews with the various tourists, the main question was what they thought of Germany to visit.
Diary of a Tourguide, September 22nd:
Dear Diary, today one of the guests on the tour broke her sandal. Anyway, I channeled my inner MacGyver and armed with some tape and a rubber band I fixed the sandal. She was very happy she didn’t have to walk the rest of the day barefooted.
That was it for this year’s diary-entries! Want to read more? Check out last year’s Diary of a tourguide too!
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