It’s so easy getting caught up in life and all its aspects, that we forget to sit back and be grateful for what we have. Every day I see a pretty castle, in front of majestic mountains, and even though I know that it is special, I find it a normal everyday sight. But last week we had a woman on the tour who was originally from South Africa, but now lives in London. She told us that she just sold her house in Cape Town. She went up to the picturesque view from Mary’s Bridge to take a photo of Neuschwanstein, and as she came back, she walked straight to me and my colleague. She started speaking, thoughtfully and with beautiful aristocratic accent: “You should know, that being born in South Africa in a poor family and having the wrong skin color at the wrong time, I could never ever… *she choked up a little before continuing* …dream about seeing this beautiful castle. Never in a million years could I even dare to think I would be visiting this castle that I have read about. I am so very grateful right now… ” Okay, I choked up too and gave her a big hug. It was so great to see that, even though she has money now to go and travel wherever she wants to go, she still is in awe of the special things life shows her.
It is important for all of us to keep this in mind. To stay amazed by nature, beautiful old monuments you’ve always wanted to see, kindness of people, because we never know when it is gone. Life is precious, we never know when it is over. We never know what turn it will take. We never know where will be our final destination…
Live life to its fullest, love life to its fullest.
*** In memory of the passengers and crew of flight MH17 ***