Once in a while I come across articles on Mind Body Green that are so spot on, that I need to share it. Like this one: 5 tips to ditch needless pressure & let feeling good be your guide. There is nowadays so much information available about what’s good for you. To be countered the following day again that it’s not good for you, but there is something else that’s better. And the following day the first thing is good enough, just as long as you don’t forget the something else too… Exhausting, isn’t it? And what about all the other things you should be, the perfect friend, sister, brother, partner, mother, father, daughter, son, employee. What about simply being you?
The five tips:
1. You don’t have to drink the kale juice.
2. Take an inventory of how you spend you time.
3. Keep exercize fun and fresh.
4. Take a cue from the millenials and expect to enjoy your work.
5. Remember: you are your own best life coach. Everyone else is just making educated guesses.
And as we are on the subject of being you and doing things you love, read this too: 18 things everyone should start making time for again. I know, I know… There’s the ‘should’ again, but trust me, these are things that give you something to let go and enjoy life a bit more, if you want to.
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