This might be the one you’re looking for! A retirement community in Essen, Germany, made a calendar with some of their seniors recreated classic movie scenes. The 75 to 98 year old models are posing as James Dean, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.
Easy Rider
98-year old Walter Loeser felt like a macho in his leather biker outfit. He made quite the impression on the set. A lady tells him that her parents always used to warn her for types like him. “As they should,” he admits, with a wink. His 90-year old buddy on the motorbike next to him, Kurt Neuhaus, says that he would have loved to drive off with the bike right there and then.
Nobody puts Granny in a corner….
For John Liedtke, 92, the shoot was easier than it seems. He didn’t need to lift ‘Baby’ Marianne Pape, 79, above his head. “I’m not as strong as I used to be. When I was younger I would have lifted her above my head easily.” Luckily for him there are computers nowadays doing the trick for him.
Some of the other Classics:
Buiting, Wilhelm Buiting, 89, as James Bond:
Rocky, a.k.a. Erwin J. von der Heiden, 80:
Staying Alive: Irmgard Alt, 79, and Siegfried Gallasch, 87 in Saturday Night Fever:
Alfred Kelbch, 81, and Erna Rütt, 86, re-enact the famous scene from Titanic:
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Erna Schenk, 78, floats over the Thames as Mary Poppins:
‘Oldy Goldlightly: Marianne Brunsback 86 in Breakfast at Tiffany’s:
The 70-year itch? Ingeborg Giolbass, 84, and Erich Endlein, 88:
Unfortunately the Classics 2014 calendars are not for sale: they gave them out to the residents, their families and the staff of the facility. But at least we can enjoy some of the photos here.
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