After you have read Diary of a tourguide 2013 – Part 1 and Diary of a tourguide 2013 – Part 2, (yes, it is in chronological order… So go on and read part 1 and 2 first… Ready? Sure? Okay, now continue…) is here the last Dear Diary for 2013.
July 23rd:
Dear Diary, today we had some people on the tour who were… hmmm how do I say this subtly… a handful… Or actually a whole lot of handfuls… But yes sure, I’ll walk up with you when you can’t bike uphill anymore. And I’ll listen to your whining about how you crashed on another bike tour and blame the bike (because of course it can never be your own fault…). And I’ll walk up your bike to the garage so you can go and sit in the restaurant and have your lunch (I’ll have mine in an hour and a half or so). And I’ll suggest you take the horse and carriage back down to the village, because walking downhill is sure too much for your knees. And to top it off, I run back up the hill to the souvenir shop of the castle, get somebody to drive you down to the village where our bus is, because the horse and carriage takes forever… Yes, you’re welcome. Oh wait, you didn’t even say Thank you. Well, you’re still welcome and just so you know Karma is a b*tch. Enjoy your next bike ride…
August 7th:
Dear Diary, ahhhhhh rainy day, how I’ve missed you! Welcome back and thanks for sending away the scorching heat! Finally around 20 degrees C (70F) instead of the 35 to 40C (95-105F) we had for the past 5 weeks…. Hope my heat exhaustion will also finally give up bugging me now….
August 14th:
Dear Diary, the upside of being a tourguide and working on your Birthday, is that you have 55 people singing for you!
September 9th:
Dear Diary, sometimes you have one of those days….. The weather forecast was for rain the day, the whole day, and nothing but the day. 100% chance. Anyway, I didn’t get a drop of rain on me. Better even, the sun came through. All the clouds disappeared, and it turned out to be a great day to be working outside. And to top it off, we had a couple getting engaged on our tour. Makes it kinda special too!
September 19th:
Dear Diary, you know, I get that Neuschwanstein Castle is pretty romantic… For proposals, and as a background in your wedding photo’s and stuff. But going on a 27-minute tour in the castle with a random 60 other people you don’t know on your weddingday, nah, not really… (btw nobody else of a wedding party in sight, no photographer, no best man, maid of honor or any of that) There is still a slight chance that that lady was just wearing a sparkly white dress resembling a weddingdress with a guy in a tux with cumberband just for fun. Just a coincidence. Also possible.
September 28th:
Dear Diary, today we had an 80-year old man on the tour and he did the whole hike up to Neuschwanstein and Mary’s Bridge (about 45 minutes of uphill, including a 10 minute solid staircase). I think he broke the record for oldest guest on the tour doing the whole hike. Very inspirational… I still want to be able to do that when I’m 80!
October 3rd:
Dear Diary, it’s always nice to have customers coming on our tour again because they had such a great time. Even nicer if they come back every year again. But it’s simply wonderful when one customer decides to come on the tour again, even though he just went last Saturday, but had another tourguide (we had too many people that day), and wanted to come again today just to see us. Always great having you here, Bo! See you next year again!
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